Notice: Self referral into the Social Prescriber is temporarily unavailable. Please contact your GP surgery if you would like to be referred. We apologise for any inconvenience.

About the Social Prescribing Service

Social Prescribing is a way in which we can help patients to link with a range of local, non-medical activities, opportunities and support that can improve their health and wellbeing. Social Prescribers give patients time to focus on ‘What Matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to health and well-being, by connecting patients to community groups for practical and emotional support. We support existing community groups to be accessible and sustainable, and work collaboratively with all local partners.

Social Prescribing Case Study

Ellen* has several GP appointments about her low mood and anxiety. She mentions to the GPthat she feels she can’t cope and lacks confidence in her parenting skills. The GP suggests shemight benefit from a referral into Social Prescribing.

Ellen meets with the Social Prescriber and after their initial appointment, it becomes clear thatEllen is feeling isolated and lonely after having only moved to the area 18 months ago with herpartner and young son.

When asked “What matters to you?” Ellen answered:
“Feeling like me again….I just want to meet people and feel settled here…and feel like a good mum.”

The Social Prescriber helped Ellen to consider what “feeling like me again” would look like. Ellen was linked to:

  • Local weekly walking group for parents and children
  • The NHS Talking Therapy Service to discover tools to deal with anxiety
  • Parenting course at the local library
  • Park Run and Park Yoga

After six months Ellen felt more settled and confident, her mood was more stable, and she hadmade some new friends via the walking group who meet up regularly. This non-medicalapproach helped Ellen consider what she needed to do to feel better and take control of herneeds.

  • Patients typically work with a Social Prescriber for between 1-6 appointments, depending ontheir needs.

*Name changed to protect patient identity